With the conclusion of SKY TERROR of WENG HU, we’re ready to embark on an all-new adventure for HANNIBAL TESLA ADVENTURE MAGAZINE. Â And, there will be a few changes as well. First of all, the webcomic is falling back to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Archive for Hannibal Tesla Adventure Magazine
Everybody loves a contest. Ginger certainly does. And to share a little of that love, this month I am offering a contest. During the month of May, everyone who sends me a comment about HANNIBAL TESLA ADVENTURE MAGAZINE will be[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The Return of Weng Hu !
As some of my long-time readers will remember, the first storyline in HANNIBAL TESLA ADVENTURE MAGAZINE was titled “Sky Terror of Weng Hu” and introduced Ginger DuPree, girl reporter to Hannibal and his team of Able Associates. I followed “Sky[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Sorry For The Delay…
My posting has been a bit erratic because of a change in my working hours. I’m going to try to keep updating on Monday mornings. We’re coming to the epic conclusion to the CAT-MEN from MARS storyline. I had hoped[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
100th Chapter of Cat-Men
This week marks the 100th page of Cat-Men from Mars. As you can see, Ginger is excited about the celebration. The story started out as a RPG campaign I ran with my Sweet One Lute several years back. It was[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I did a little updating to the Cat-Men from Mars Cast Page, adding a few of our Martian friends and the Mysterious Lunarian!
Merry Christmas, everyone, and may this holiday season bring blessing and joy. And thank you for spending part of your holiday with Ginger and her friends. I’m about halfway through with filling in the lost chapters of “Cat-Men from Mars”. […]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I’ve been distracted by a couple commissions this past week and have been a bit lax in updating “Cat-Men from Mars”. I will, however have a fresh update Monday night. (He said) And for those curious as to how Ginger[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I’ve started re-posting the back chapters of Cat-Men From Mars and plan to do so at about a page per day until I bring it up to the present. I will also be posting new chapters, one per week. Long-time[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I’ve added a Synopsis to recap the chapters of “Cat-Men from Mars” which got eaten. I will be re-posting those missing chapters, probably starting this week; but for now, the synopsis will help new readers get up to speed.