DANGER CAY: Chapter 103 — Who’s In Charge?
Okay, I’m bringing in a few more of my wildly-scattered cast. Now the rest of Team Tesla are back. But what have Billy and Elwood been doing? And what about Hannibal? We’ll get to that.
And we’ve officially re-introduced Frank Harris, the suit who runs Consolidated Tesla, Pops Tesla’s company, last seen in Chapter 35. Well, we also saw him a couple chapters ago flying the plane that brought Agent Barnes, Stone and Otto to the island, but I didn’t identify him because my plan was that this would be a big reveal. Didn’t quite work out as well as I’d planned.
Agent Barnes looks pretty happy to be able to use his handcuffs. I think when this is all over, I’m going to have to let him hook up with Miss Darling from CAT-MEN FROM MARS. The two of them can bond over both wanting to kill Ginger.
this is off topic a man just posted, very seriously mind you, that he didn’t know that the US traded goods with Britain in the 19th century and I wanted to pound my head against something.