DANGER CAY: Chapter 81 — Entrance of the Comedians
Once again, Ray name drops a famous movie he worked on, and once again I fudge my Historical Accuracy for the sake of a gag.
“Captains Courageous” is a classic Rudyard Kipling novel about a spoiled rich boy who is lost at sea, and rescued by a fishing boat, and who learns to become a better man working alongside the fishermen. Â The MGM adaptation starred Eddie Bartholomew as the kid (too young to play the book character, but hey, he’s cute), Lionel Barrymore as the captain of the fishing boat, and yes, Spenser Tracy as the Portuguese fisherman, Manuel, who rescues the kid from drowning.
Tracy said he always felt self-conscious about the accent he adopted to play the character. Â He didn’t know what a Portuguese accent sounded like, so he sort of faked it.
But the movie was released in 1937, two years after the setting of our current adventure. Â So like his reference to The Good Earth in SKY TERROR of WENG HU, Ray is boasting about his involvement in a film that hasn’t been made yet.
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