DANGER CAY: Chapter 56 — Back Seat Revelations
The name of the town mentioned in this chapter is taken from a short story by Arthur Conan Doyle titled “The Los Amigos Fiasco”, about an execution that doesn’t quite go as expected. The story might have been the inspiration for an old Lon Chaney Jr. film titled “The Indestructible Man“, which is where I originally cribbed the idea for my Mysterious Creepy Guy. (Although the Lon Chaney character was much more sympathetic)
Graphic Classics did a good adaptation of “The Los Amigos Fiasco” in their anthology of Conan Doyle stories. (There are other good things– not only Holmes and Watson but Brigadier Gerard, who was new to me.)
The Brigadier Gerard stories are good. Doyle had a talent for creating characters who were tremendously egocentric, yet forgivable in their flaws; like Gerard, Challenger, and even Holmes.
He was sentenced to hang … in an electric chair? I take it the FBI guy is speaking metaphorically.
Or was the bright idea to try the chair instead? Sorry, early morning here.
Yes. That was what I meant.